Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Team Dade"

Overwhelmed would probably be the best word to describe how we feel right now. Overwhelmed from the Labor and Delivery tour we took last night at UAB. Overwhelmed with emotion, good and bad. Overwhelmed with the unknown. Most of all however, we are overwhelmed by your love and generosity!

A few months ago when we discovered Dade's diagnosis and started to understand the journey we are facing, many of you began asking, "What can we do?"  Like we've talked about in past posts, we unfortunately haven't had anything that most of you could do other than show us support, continued prayers, and be there for us as the long road begins. Many friends have said how helpless they feel (as do we) because they can't do something tangible or hands-on for us or Dade right now.  As you all know, we have postponed baby showers and haven't even registered for gifts just because we truly don't know what his needs will be when he comes home. Several friends, near and far, suggested that we set up a fund for Dade's upcoming expenses. The first few times it was approached, D.J. and I really didn't think it was necessary and politely turned down the idea. As more friends kept asking though, we kept chewing on the idea and came to a couple of different conclusions: 1) We have NO clue what this journey will look like in many ways, especially financially, and 2) many people want to and/or have asked to help specifically in this way.  If we have learned anything throughout this process so far, it's that our understanding, pride, and "how we'd have it" have nothing to do with God's plans for Dade or us in this.  Far be it from us to deny people an opportunity to lend a hand in the way they feel led.

D.J. and I finally agreed, so our friends, Hilary Perry and Katy Mote (thanks, girls!), put together a site where people can lend financial assistance if they like. If you have any questions, you can contact them or join the "TEAM DADE" page on Facebook at  You can reach the actual donation site at  D.J. will add these links to the information bar for easy access! The site allows you to give in any amount, anonymously or otherwise, but please do not feel obligated! The most important part of this is for you to stay updated through Dade's days ahead.

Thank you for being a part of our family's life, and for reminding us how truly blessed we are in all things, but especially in the people surrounding us! Watch God do BIG things in this!!!

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