Saturday, August 23, 2014

Stuck Between a Rock...and a Rock

Yes, I know the phrase is "Stuck between a rock and a hard place." It is also used in a different way than I am referring to it tonight. Usually, it means that you're in a difficult situation with no way out.  In my situation, I see it as a benefit.  I am stuck between a rock...THE Rock, Jesus, and another Rock, DJ.  When we say that this has been the hardest, scariest, and  most exhausting month of our life, its no understatement.  However, I have strength from the Lord and from my amazing husband, DJ.  DJ has driven me around for the last month, taken care of me at every point of the day or night, held my hand as we heard our son cry a tiny cry before being taken to the NICU, makes me eat when all I'm doing is worrying, makes me laugh so hard my stitches may or may not heal, is my breast pumping drill sergeant,  has arranged to be out of work to be with me and Dade to meet our needs, and loves me more today than yesterday.  I am blessed beyond measure.  Dade has the best father there is and I have the best partner for this imaginable!

 If you are about our age or older, you may remember Paula Abdul's hit song "Opposites Attract." She was so right! DJ and I have some personality traits that are similar, but the best/biggest difference is that we process information completely different...hence the fact that I am a Social Worker and he is an Engineer.  Anyway, from Day 1, April 16, when we met with Dr. Anderson, I knew this difference would be in our favor.  I cried the whole entire meeting that we were learning about Dade's diagnosis and what the long road would look like.  DJ took notes and was just taking in all the information he could.  I was a wreck immediately.  He consoled me and held me until the next day when all of the information he had gathered finally sunk in and effected him.  We have been on different time tables for most of this journey so far.  It has allowed us to be strong for each other at the time that it really sinks in with either one of us.  Such a blessing. DJ is NEVER one to draw attention to himself, but I just had to share his strength and love every day through this! We haven't been apart more than a few hours since July 22.  Most folks would be a little sick of their spouse, but I truly don't know how we will go back to work and how life will be with this "new normal." It has only made us stronger as a couple and as parents.  

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice post! Tara, while I do not know you, I do know DJ and 100% believe he is just the person you described. From reading your other comments here on this blog and your "Team Dade" FB page it looks like DJ got just the perfect match in you! Soooo happy Dade is moving in the right direction and that your "normal" will shift too and "home" will more clearly be the light at the end of this tunnel! Continual prayers for all 3 of you!!
    Much love.... The Weissends xxoo
    (Isaiah 40:31...They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. DJ knows the importance of this verse to our family and how long we were stuck on the third word..."wait"...and the power and strength that comes in the remaining words of this verse!)
